Exchanges and Returns

We hope you will love everything you order, but in case you don’t, not to worry you have 14 days to return or exchange.

Returns & Exchanges

We hope that you really love our products. However, we understand that there may be times when you need to exchange or return an order to us.

If you’re unhappy with your purchase, or it’s simply not right for you, then we are happy to offer a ‘no quibble’ returns and exchange policy for any unwanted good/s purchased from us in the last 14 days (from date of order) for a full refund.

The delivery cost is to be covered by you, the customer and is non-refundable.

Please keep the item in its original condition until you have decided whether you wish to keep it or not. We can only refund products that reach us in a perfect, unopened, unused condition, with all relevant tags & in the original packaging. So take care & retain everything while deciding whether to keep your order.

Please also put any returns labels/ stickers/ postage stamps on the original outer wrapper the order was sent in & not directly onto the product packaging or box. If you've thrown the outer delivery wrapper or box away, please use a suitable alternative to safeguard and protect the items whilst they are on their way back to us. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to offer a refund if the returned items reach us damaged, opened or tampered with due to poor, weak or unsuitable packaging used.

It is our suggestion also that you use a trusted and reputable tracked return service to avoid your order getting lost by the courier/ delivery company or go missing in transit. Therefor it is your responsibility to ensure the returned items reaches us. We will not take responsibility for returns that get lost in the mail and never reached us.


There are a few exclusions under our unwanted returns policy to make you aware of.

Please note that we are unable to accept returns for any of the following:

  • Faulty goods that you were made aware of at the time of order
  • Goods damaged by attempts to repair or fix them
  • Bespoke or personalised goods
  • perishable goods
Start Your Return or Exchange

To begin an exchange or return, please complete the form below and a member of our customer care team will be in contact within 24-72 hours (Monday to Friday) to process this for you.

Once completed, one our dedicated customer experience team will be in touch to arrange your exchange or return.

Our Returns & Exchanges Policy

Any item may be returned for a full refund within 14 days of receiving the order. The refund only applies if the product is still in a sellable condition, meaning it still has its original tags on, has not been worn or washed and can be returned in the same condition as when received. The customer will be responsible for associated return costs. We will not take responsibility for returns that may get lost in the mail.

All approved refunds will get processed within 5 business days of arrival to our warehouse. The bank transfer might take several days to be visible on your account. Please contact if the refund does not appear within 14 days.

This Policy forms part of our General Terms of Contract Policy.